Strong enough to stay on through a whole night of tossing, turning, and pillow-squishing.
Results in 4-8 Hours: Absorbs pimple gunk thanks to our hydrocolloid.
Hydrocolloid sticker that improves the look of pimples overnight without the popping. Just stick it on, get some sleep, and wake up with clearer-looking skin.
Each pouch contains 300 counts, S 8mm, M 10mm, L 12mm and XL 14mm patches.
Integrates smoothly with skin: The thin sticker with a clear matte coating conceals your pimple around the clock.
Acne Patches for Face - 300 Count, 4 Sizes - ROSELYNBOUTIQUE
Strong enough to stay on through a whole night of tossing, turning, and pillow-squishing.
Results in 4-8 Hours: Absorbs pimple gunk thanks to our hydrocolloid.
Hydrocolloid sticker that improves the look of pimples overnight without the popping. Just stick it on, get some sleep, and wake up with clearer-looking skin.
Each pouch contains 300 counts, S 8mm, M 10mm, L 12mm and XL 14mm patches.
Integrates smoothly with skin: The thin sticker with a clear matte coating conceals your pimple around the clock.